✨Small Acts of Self-care for a Happier You✨

It's great to connect with you today. I understand the importance of maintaining wellness and cultivating a strong mindset. After all, being at your best is crucial when taking on ambitious goals and positively impacting the world.

My special guest this week on A Dose of Positivity is Lo Myrick, and she will dive deeper into this subject of self-care and cultivating wellness. Since it is Mother’s Day this Sunday, I thought this subject was especially important to dive deeper into. All of us moms know how hard it can be to put ourselves first. 

Women are natural caretakers. Whether they’re a mom, wife, teacher, nurse, etc., they are always providing for those around them. It’s normal that women tend to put themselves last and don’t think taking care of themselves is important too. Some even think it’s selfish. Quite the opposite – it’s selfish not to take care of ourselves! You’ve probably heard the old saying: 

“If mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy.”

There’s some truth to that saying, and it relates to women in general, not just moms! Think about it…how can you be expected to care for those around you if you’re tired, feeling stressed, and wish to have five minutes to yourself? 

Burnout is a common issue that many of us face, especially when we're passionate about what we do. That's why I want to share some actionable steps that you can take to prevent burnout and create a culture of excellence.

First and foremost, developing a self-care routine that works for you is essential. This can include anything from regular exercise and healthy eating to meditation and quality sleep. Self-care is all about taking time to recharge and nourish your body and mind so that you can show up as your best self each day.

Next, cultivate a strong mindset by focusing on the positive. It's easy to get bogged down by negativity, but try to reframe your thoughts and find the good in every situation. Practice gratitude daily by writing down three things you're thankful for each morning or evening.

Another way to prevent burnout is to prioritize your tasks and set realistic goals. Don't overload yourself with too many responsibilities at once. Instead, break them down into manageable chunks and focus on completing one task at a time. Celebrate your achievements along the way, no matter how small.

Finally, make time for connection with others. Whether it's through spending time with loved ones or volunteering in your community, building relationships is essential for your overall well-being. Plus, when we come together to work towards a common goal, we can achieve great things.

There’s nothing for you to give if you’re stressed, overwhelmed, depressed, etc. It’s important to take care of yourself – physically, spiritually, and emotionally! Remember, cultivating wellness and a strong mindset is a journey, not a destination. It takes time, effort, and patience but is ultimately worth it. You’ll be better equipped to do anything by taking care of yourself.

So, take a deep breath and know that you're capable of achieving great things. You can create a culture of excellence and improve the world one step at a time.

Listed below, you will find several ideas for putting yourself first once in a while and taking care of YOU! 

Treat yourself to a Retreat.

This can be something personal, spiritual, or even professional in nature. Consider how much time you could take out to soak in an immersive event experience. Have a relaxing getaway or an adventurous vacation at Always In Season Farmstead that offers a truly unique and memorable experience, everything from learning to eat right to learning to meditate, swimming in the ocean and Nature therapy sessions. 

Take daily walks and get in touch with Nature. 

“The closer we get to Nature, the closer we get to our true nature.”

Spending time in nature can significantly impact you physically, mentally, and spiritually. Being in nature can help us feel more relaxed, reduce stress and anxiety, and improve our mood. It also allows us to disconnect from technology and the hustle and bustle of daily life, which can help us focus on the present moment and clear our minds. Additionally, spending time in nature can improve our physical health, as being outside often involves physical activity such as walking, hiking, or gardening. By taking care of ourselves through spending time in nature, we can cultivate a more positive and resilient mindset, which can help us navigate life's challenges with greater ease and grace.

Eat to Live

Healthy eating is essential to self-care and can significantly impact our mindset. Nourishing our bodies with nutritious, whole foods fuels our physical health and supports our mental and emotional well-being. Choosing to prioritize healthy eating is a way of valuing ourselves and our bodies, and it can also be a spiritual act. Wendell Berry, the author of over 50 poetry, fiction, and essays, celebrates the holiness of life and everyday miracles often taken for granted. He reminds us, “Eating is a spiritual act.”  It is something we do every day, and it can be a mindful and intentional practice that connects us with our bodies and the natural world around us. By making conscious choices about what we eat and prioritizing our health, we can cultivate a positive mindset and a sense of self-worth. Ultimately, healthy eating is an act of self-love and self-care that we all deserve to prioritize because we are worth it. So treat yourself daily to nourishing food.

Get a Massage

A massage is an excellent way to have some time to relax, not just physically but emotionally as well. There are probably several spas around you that offer massage services. There are lots of different massage types you can choose from, but here are three of the most popular ones: 

🌺 Swedish Massage is popular in the United States and is the perfect starting point for someone who has never had a massage or someone looking for a very relaxing type of massage. In this type of massage, the therapist will use an oil or lotion as they massage and knead in long strokes and use circular motions.

🌺 Aromatherapy Massage is for the person that is under a lot of stress and has stress related ‘injuries’ (sore neck, tension in the neck/back, etc.). The therapist can choose oils that are specific for your issues but a popular one that is often used is lavender. (Note: if you don’t tolerate strong smells well, this probably isn’t the right choice for you)

🌺 Hot Stone Massage is another popular one in the United States. Perfect for tight and tense muscles. The therapist will use warm, smooth stones to gently massage your tension areas. 

Work with a Life Coach

It’s ok to admit that you have some things in your life you’re not happy with, it’s normal! And it’s even ok to admit you could use someone on your side to help you work through those things. Admitting you need help does not make you weak! 

Whether it be some extra weight you want to lose, self-esteem issues, or negative thinking (just to name a few), a life coach can help. A good coach will call you out on your bull crap, help you set goals, and hold you accountable. And thanks to technology, you can do this online if there isn’t a coach local to you or you just don’t want to meet someone in person. 

If you need a few more reasons why hiring a life coach is a great way to take care of you, here are some:

🌍 Clarity – if you are struggling with what you want out of life or wondering what your purpose/passion is, a life coach can oftentimes help you get clear about these things.  

🌍 Unbiased opinion – having someone to talk to and bounce ideas off of that isn’t family or friends is a great opportunity to get some unbiased input. We are almost always more open to hearing things from an outsider versus those we are closest to. A life coach can do that for you and give you a new perspective to think about. 

🌍 You want more – more balance, more happiness, more satisfaction. A coach can help you work on any mental roadblocks that are preventing you from moving forward and working towards those things you want more of. They can also help hold you accountable to working on doing things to help you achieve more of what you want.

Take Yourself on a Date

For many women, fear of judgment holds them back from enjoying some experiences on their own. Things like going to a movie and enjoying dinner at a sit down restaurant are just a few activities we’re afraid to do solo.  

As women, we spend too much time and energy worrying about what people around us will think if they see us going solo. We think people will look at us and feel sad or see it as pathetic (‘Oh, she couldn’t find a date or friend to come with her, that’s sad’). But guess what? Most people won’t even be paying attention to you!    

3 reasons you need to take yourself on a date and ASAP: 

💛 It’s empowering! 

💛 It’s all about you – no need to worry about someone else’s timeframe or what someone else wants to do. You get to make all the decisions! 

💛 You learn how to enjoy your own company. But even more important, it will give you the time to learn how to be okay and be comfortable being alone with yourself.  

Experiment with Meditation  

There are so many reasons practicing meditation can help you take better care of yourself. It’s an all-in-one health benefit meaning it’s great for you physically, spiritually and emotionally. 

The more you begin experimenting with it and getting better at it you will start to notice some of the health benefits – stress reduction, being more focused, having less anxiety or depression, better breathing, reduction in inflammation, and more.  

Keep in mind meditation takes practice. If you’re a beginner, don’t get frustrated if you find your mind wandering and you can’t concentrate for more than a few minutes (if even that long!) at a time. It’s all about practice and teaching yourself how to do it. 

Try Something Creative  

What do you think of when you hear the word creativity? Does writing a novel or painting a masterpiece pop into your mind? Sure, those are creative outlets, but it can be something as simple as trying a new recipe, coloring, and more.

Don’t let yourself get hung up on overthinking and making creativity out to be something complicated because it’s not. And it’s something that you should give yourself permission to do once in a while. Allowing yourself the freedom (and time) to be creative is a great stress reliever, relaxation technique, and an opportunity to have fun, which in turn helps you live a happier and healthier life. 

Not sure where to start? Here are some suggestions: 

🎨 Painting with a twist – It’s just like it sounds, painting with a twist. The twist? You are served alcohol and get to drink as you paint. How can you not have fun with a night of wine and painting? A quick Google search for ‘local painting with a twist’ should easily give you several options to choose from. Gather a gang of your closest gal pals and head on out for a night of relaxation and fun! (Don’t forget to have a designated driver!)

🥕 Holistic Culinary Class – Enjoy while learning to improve your overall health and well-being through nutrition and lifestyle changes. You will not only learn how to prepare delicious, healthy meals but also gain valuable knowledge and skills to support your long-term health goals.

🍃 Nature Photography— Capture images of the natural world, from landscapes and wildlife to plants and close-up details. This type of photography allows us to connect with the beauty and wonder of the natural world, and to share those experiences with others through visual storytelling.

I want to mention that don’t you dare tell yourself you are not creative! Everyone has creativity within, it’s just a matter of giving yourself permission to let it out and try new things! 

Try Aromatherapy  

Aromatherapy (the use of essential oils) can be used for things like skin and hair care, taking care of your mental well-being, some medical things, and creating an aromatic smell in your office, home, etc.  There are a few ways to use them: (1) use a carrier oil with them and massage them into your skin, (2) add to a bath or shower – known as vaporized, (3) use in a diffuser, or (4) ingesting them – only some are safe for this process! 

Expert aromatherapist Liz Fulcher, owner of the https://aromaticwisdominstitute.com had this to say for anyone interested in aromatherapy:  

Anyone who is just beginning to use essential oils is in for a treat because of their amazing healing properties. However, just because they are natural doesn't mean they don't have some safety concerns. To get the most benefit and enjoyment from your essential oils, here are a couple of things to remember as you learn to use these beautiful aromatics for self-care.  

🌼 Purchase from a reputable supplier who has had professional training and can comfortably answer any question you ask about essential oils. 

🌼 Since they are very concentrated substances, dilute essential oils in lotion or carrier oil such as Jojoba before applying them to your skin. Proper dilution helps protect against topical irritation or other common skin reactions. I always recommend 6 drops of essential oil to 1 ounce of carrier. 

🌼 Never ingest essential oils, especially as a beginner. 

🌼 Before using essential oils on children under 6 or with pregnant women, seek the advice of a Professional Aromatherapist. You can find one through NAHA.org (National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy). 

🌼 Get some good basic information from aromatherapy books at your local library or bookstore, or spend time on the NAHA.org website which is a great source of free information. 

Following just a few safety precautions with essential oils will provide you with tremendous health benefits, such as reducing anxiety and stress, helping manage discomforts such as headaches and muscle pain and helping you drift off to sleep.  

Practice saying No

One way that women devalue themselves and their needs is by always saying yes! It’s like ‘yes’ is an automatic response, and before you can even think about whether you have the time to do something, or more importantly – whether you want to do it – you’ve already said, “sure, I’ll do that, no problem!” 

Don’t forget that saying no is a full sentence, and it’s not a bad word! I challenge you to pause for a minute or two the next time you’re asked to do something. If it’s something you really wouldn’t mind doing, then go ahead & do it but if it’s something you don’t want to or don’t have the time to, say “no!” and leave it at that. You do not have to explain yourself to anyone. No is no and that’s that. 

Practice saying no, and every time you’re asked to do something, stop and think about these things: 

🌈 Boundaries – it’s up to you to set and keep boundaries. As you begin to practice saying no, you will find you’re more effective, efficient, happier, and have more free time. 

🌈 You don’t have to do it all – many women fall into the trap of thinking no one else can do it the ‘right’ way, so I’ll just do it myself because it’s easier. Not true. You need to let go of this belief ASAP! Others can do the things you’re being asked to do.  

🌈 Your goals – setting your own goals and working towards reaching them is just as important, if not more important, than what everyone else wants you to do. When you learn to say no, you get to have more time to focus on your goals. 

This is only a small list of many different small acts of self-care you can partake in. These suggestions can be a great starting point for you, but spend time trying different things and find what you get the most relaxation and enjoyment out of. 

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🥰 A Dose of Positivity

See you all this Thursday for another supreme Dose of Positivity with my special guest, Lo Myrick who will share about developing self-care & a strong mindset ✨

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